Friday, May 8, 2020

Pinterest and Your Career Portfolio

Pinterest and Your Career Portfolio Social media sites are an effective way to brand and market your work. Pinterest is one such site where you can create boards onto which you can pin examples of your work. It is especially effective for those with visual careers such as filmmaking, fashion, illustration, photography, or graphic or product design. A group of boards can function as an online portfolio where you can send potential employers or customers to view your work. This free, online portfolio can be paired with a creative arts industry resume to give an employer a complete view of your work and career. It is easy to get started on Pinterest. You can have a friend send you an invitation to join Pinterest, or go to and click on Get Invitation at the top of the page. The Pinterest invitation allows you to create an account by using either your Facebook or Twitter accounts. You then choose a user name and fill out and save a profile. Create your boards from your Pinterest home page by clicking on Add at the top of the page and then on Create a Board. Name the board, choose a category, provide a brief description for it and then click Save. You can then upload your work to your Pinterest boards. You can add and delete pictures at any time, including moving pictures from one board to another. Add captions or pin pictures with no captions. Once you have your career portfolio set up on your Pinterest boards to your satisfaction, you can send your Pinterest URL to potential employers and clients. For example, if the name you chose for your Pinterest account is cameraman, your Pinterest URL would be Be sure to list your Pinterest URL on your resume under the Online Career Portfolio section and also mention it in your cover letter.

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