Thursday, May 21, 2020

3 Fun Ways to Get Out of That Rut and Spice Up the Rest of 2019 -

3 Fun Ways to Get Out of That Rut and Spice Up the Rest of 2019 - If you feel like you’re living in your own personal  Groundhog Day, where every day is exactly the same, you may be in a serious rut. Even if you enjoy your job and taking care of your family, following the same routines day after day can lead to boredom and a good case of the “blahs.” Here’s some great news: There are definite cures for this monotonous feeling, and they don’t have to break the bank. For instance, the following ideas can help you break up your usual routine with some fun new activities that will add some much-needed spice to the rest of the year. Consider the following rut-busting suggestions: Take a Vacation One surefire way to get out of a rut is to take a vacation. Now, you don’t have to necessarily trek off to Europe or head to Hawaii for a couple of weeks; instead, you can plan a shorter getaway that will recharge your batteries. If you can, choose a vacation spot you have previously never visited in order to see a part of the country that’s new to you. For instance, a cruise to Alaska can be a fun vacation that’s more budget-friendly than you might think. In fact, Princess offers  a number of 2019 Alaska cruises that are a week long and include a number of ports of call.    When you’re taking photos of actual moose and eagles and seeing glaciers in-person, it will be hard to feel like you’re in a boring rut! Volunteer to Help Others It can be easy to feel “blah” about life when it feels like you’re not working toward anything. Yes, you’re definitely putting in the time at work and taking care of your family, but you might not feel like you have a true sense of purpose. To help lift your spirits, you might  look into volunteering. Think about causes and organizations you support and contact them to see if they offer any volunteer opportunities. For example, if you love animals, you might find it rewarding to volunteer at a local shelter or foster dogs from time to time to help them get placed in their forever homes. Go to a Concert or Professional Game If you love music and/or sports, instead of enjoying your favorite artists and teams on your streaming service and/or TV, consider going to a concert or game. When choosing tickets,  buy the best seats you can afford, which will give you something to look forward to and then remember for years to come. You should also make it a point to bring along your sweetie and turn it into a date night or invite a dear friend to join you and dance to the music or cheer your team on to victory. After all, being inside a lively event space can really be a tonic for boredom. End 2019 on a Fresh and Fun Note Once you start looking for ways to liven up your day-to-day life, you will likely want to continue trying out new experiences. Start by getting away for a much-needed vacation, volunteering your time and treating yourself to tickets to a fun event. These three things alone should help you feel less blasé  about life  and instead happier and invigorated.

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